Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Scheduling background jobs by triggering events

Scheduling background jobs by triggering events

Step1: Create event from transaction SM62.
Give event name and description and press save button
Step2: Create a program that triggers this event by calling the FM ‘BP_EVENT_RAISE’.
*& Report  Z_TRIGGER_EVENT                                             *
*&                                                                     *
*&                                                                     *
*&                                                                     *
REPORT  Z_TRIGGER_EVENT                         .
   eventid                      = 'Z_TRIGGER_JOB'
  BAD_EVENTID                  = 1
  EVENTID_MISSING              = 3
  RAISE_FAILED                 = 4
  OTHERS                       = 5
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
Write: 'Event failed to trigger'.
Write: 'Event triggered'.
Step3: Configure the background job from transaction SM36.
In the initial screen give job name and job class and press “Start condition” button.
In the popup screen press “After event” button and give the event name and then press save button.

Now go back to the initial screen and press “Step” button
Provide program and variant name and after providing all the values press save button.
In the initial screen press save button.
Step4: Now execute the program to trigger the event and as well check the background job.
Run transaction SM37
Check the status of job defined above
Now check the spool to see the generated list